Blood Of Fire (The Blood Burden Series) Read online

Page 13

  A knock came at her bedroom door and she knew it couldn't be Sage because she would have shown herself in. Sage had left over an hour ago to finish dressing for the night, she said would meet her at the ball later.

  Nicole opened the door to see a tense Slade dressed in a classy, black tuxedo, "I was hoping you'd let me escort you to dinner." The meekness in his words took Nicole aback. He wasn't being the cocky and self-assured man she had gotten to know. He rubbed the back of his neck and avoided her eyes, "Listen I really want to apologize for how I've been acting, Nicole. I…didn't mean to be such a—"

  "Jerk? Egotistical male? Power hungry maniac…you choose but I'm sure they all fit the bill pretty well," Nicole interrupted as she crossed her arms over her chest.

  Slade gave her a small smile and lifted his eyes to her face for the first time since she opened the door, "I deserve each label and I promise if you'll give me a chance I'll prove that wasn't the real me. I've been working this undercover job in Loch's world for so long that it's hard to turn off the man I had to be and be the man I am but, Nicole," he reached out and pulled her hands away from her chest holding on to just her fingertips, "I just need a chance to show you."

  "Slade−" she started but he jumped back in.

  "You look beautiful tonight," he laced his fingers with hers and tugged her out the door. "You will outshine everyone there just as you always have."


  Nicole pulled her hand away from Slade's just as he opened the door to the ball room. He looked at her confused for a moment then nodded as they stepped into the eyesight of the other party goers, "We are seated next to the queen for dinner." He said placing his hand on the small of Nicole's back as they walked into the chamber.

  The room was set up with white linen covered tables, each with settings of gold embossed plates and gold flatware on one side of the room. Then on the other half, under the largest crystal chandelier Nicole had ever seen, was a marble dance floor. But what drew her attention the most were the stairs leading up to two large thrones, one of which was occupied by Queen Teya.

  Slade lead Nicole to the foot of the stairs and he bowed to the Queen while Nicole stood there staring up into the beautiful woman's face. She thought about how innocent and young Teya appeared before the queen's voice pulled her back into the moment, "How beautiful you look tonight my dear. Though," she paused to rise from her seat and descend the stairs to stand in front of Nicole, "you do not look like you have gotten any rest. Are your chambers not to your liking?"

  "Oh, no, the room is wonderful. Thank you," Nicole smiled softly.

  "Wonderful." The Queen turned her eyes on Slade, "I'm glad you are keeping an eye on our princess Slade but let me suggest that you teach her proper etiquette for when she walks into the room where the Queen sits." She turned on her heals, "Oh, and Nicole dear, Sage had some unexpected business to attend to so she won't be joining us tonight." She tossed the words casually over her shoulder then climbed back up to her throne above the crowd.

  Nicole's mouth struggled to form words for a moment as she stared after Teya then when the words did come she had to bite her tongue to keep them contained. Slade took her hand and placed it at the crook of his arm, "Come, let's take our seat love." He didn't seem fazed by the Queens rudeness as he led her to their table.

  Once seated Nicole nodded and smiled politely at the other people sitting around them then leaned in to whisper to Slade, "What the hell was that about?"

  Slade smiled as if she had said something funny then leaned back to her, "Not now, love. After dinner we will take a walk."

  "Well, what about Sage?" Unease crept under Nicole's skin. She knew that Sage had planned on coming to the ball when they last spoke a few hours ago. What could be so urgent that it would pull her away?

  "I'm not sure but it's not unusual for assignments to come up suddenly. It's all part of being one of the Queen's elite. Don't worry, I'm sure she will be back soon."

  Nodding in agreement Nicole turned her attention back to the room. She searched the chatting crowds for familiar faces…well one in particular but he was nowhere to be seen either. The people were still filing in two by two, all men stopping to bow and women doing polite curtsies in front of the queen before making their way to the tables. She hoped to see him enter the door as she watched.

  "He left."

  Nicole turned back to Slade and was shocked at how close his face was to hers. She could feel the warmth of his breath caressing her cheek, "What are you talking about?"

  "Luke left. He asked the Queen's permission to use the gateway shortly after we arrived at the palace and then he left," he studied her reaction as he took a sip of his champagne.

  Nicole's heart sank though she fought to hide her disappointment. She knew that she hadn't been able to feel Luke's presence for a while but deep down she had hoped that it was just that she was getting good at blocking out that awareness. How could he just walk away from her? Then the reality of what he did hit her. He left her behind just like she had him.

  Feeling Slade's eyes still studying her as he waited for her to speak she reached for her own flute of golden courage and took a deep drink.

  "I'm sure he has a good reason. He doesn't have to check in with me when he makes a move," she stared ahead for fear that Slade would see through her tough front. Her mind was spinning between fear and hurt as she tried to reason away his sudden disappearance.

  Slade grabbed the bottle of champagne and refilled Nicole's empty glass then his own, "I'm sure he does."


  The meal went forward without Nicole stepping on any more royal toes. She played things safe by nodding politely as the Queen spoke and smiling to the various people who introduced themselves as the night progressed. Everyone at her table played a role in running the Fae kingdom but she was most intrigued by General Moyer. He was a hard-nosed warrior with dark, deep eyes. His body was broad and thick with muscle but, unlike most gym rats Nicole knew back home, his demeanor was wise and intelligent. When he spoke he commanded the whole room's attention with the gentle roll of his voice. People were eager to cling onto his every word no matter if the subject was the decadent chocolate desert he was eating or the rotation of the warriors around the kingdom.

  "Tell me, princess," the general turned his dark, lined eyes on Nicole, "how has your training been with the warriors that were sent to you?"

  The mention of her warriors brought the question of Luke back to the surface again, cutting deep and threatening to pull her mind into spiraling, worried thoughts.

  "They have been very helpful for what time we've had to train." She tried to clear her mind of the past and thrust herself into the moment as she focused on the general.

  He studied her face then nodded, "Yes, I have heard that things turned ugly very fast. I only wish that we'd been allowed to retrieve you sooner."

  Nicole's brows furrowed together, "Sooner? What do you mean? Luke has been there since the day my real powers surfaced."

  "Ah yes, but you did have some powers before the day you were shot. I was denied the request to bring you here and start your training after the incident in Florida. Seems some were still doubtful if your power would ever fully surface," he glanced sideways to the Queen as he casually ran his finger along the condensation on the crystal flute in front of him.

  The reality of his words hit her like a knife to the chest, "How long did you know? How long did you leave me fumbling my way around in the dark before you decided to send help?" Nicole fought to keep her anger under control as hushed whispers echoed around her. She felt Slade's hand give a gentle squeeze on her knee as she locked eyes with Teya.

  "My dear," chimed in Queen Teya, "You have always had someone checking in on your family from time to time for generations long forgotten. The power had never fully surfaced in any of your ancestors so there was no reason to think you would be any different." The queen patted Nicole's hand, her voice was haughty and patronizing but at the same ti
me sweet.

  "But I am different and I have been for years. Loch knew it so that tells me you did too," she pulled her hand from the queen's embrace and passed a hard glance between both Teya and the general waiting for answers.

  Slade cleared his throat, "Love, I think I've had a little much to drink. Do you mind walking with me into the garden for some fresh air?" He stood and pulled out Nicole's chair not giving her a chance to respond.

  Nicole let Slade guide her past the filling dance floor and out the doors that lead into a softly glowing garden. Though the anger was still swelling inside of Nicole's chest she couldn't help but to be taken aback by the beauty of the star filled night sky and the enchanted garden surrounding them as they walked down the stone path. Every plant, large and small, glowed with a mesmerizing light. The deep crimson roses gave off a slight echo of red light and the violet iris left blue trails like a small comet as they swayed in the soft, summer breeze. Nicole let her eyes take in everything from the smallest blade of grass to the tallest apple trees as Slade lead her farther away from the swarms of people.

  Nicole let out a deep sigh when she could no longer hear the sound of the music playing or the chatter of uppity royalty. She looked down at Slade's fingers intertwined with her own as they walked and felt a ping of guilt. She pulled her hand from his, "Thank you for getting me out of there."

  Slade smiled as he put his hands into his pants pockets, "You're welcome, love. I could feel the heat radiating from your temper," he chuckled. "It's a wonder you didn't catch your chair on fire. You've really got to work on controlling your powers before it gets you into trouble."

  Nicole gave a small laugh, "Yeah, I've been told that before." Her mind drifted back to the afternoon she almost caught her dad's couch on fire because Luke had made her mad. He was trying to talk some sense into her about her destiny in life not being a burden but a blessing...but she didn't want to hear it. She had wanted to be left alone to live her mediocre existence as a cop in her sleepy country town, not be forced to master the powers she didn't want or to defend a world she didn't care about.

  She shook her head when reality hit her. Selfish and living in denial didn't even begin to scratch the surface when analyzing who she was back then. Adding obstinate and a pain in the ass into her title would get you moving more in the right direction but things were different now. She understood that if she didn't put an end to the war there would never be peace for anyone around her. It was time to put her self-serving wants and needs away so she could be the person that those she loved needed her to be. No more crying or bitching; it was time to dig in with both feet and do what was needed to be done.

  "Hey," Slade touched Nicole's shoulder, "What are you thinking so hard about?"

  Nicole looked up to see they had emerged from the garden into a large opening that looked out across the sea. The smell of salt water was refreshing; filling Nicole with a sense of freedom from the weight of the world. The moonlight glistened off the crest of each wave as it danced up towards the beach below. "I was just wondering..." Nicole struggled to regain her focus on the night's excitement and not reveal that her mind was on Luke, "Why do I get the feeling Teya doesn't care for me?"

  Slade pointed to a bench placed at the cliff's edge, "Sit with me and I'll give you my thoughts on her." He led her over and removed his jacket, placing it on the dew covered seat. "Here, so you won't get your dress damp. Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?"

  Nicole couldn't help but admire the tenderness Slade was showing. He was so different from the man she had met back in Ireland, surrounded by all the best money could buy and all the power hungry people. She wondered which persona was the true side of Slade: the playboy who was out for power or the gentle, caring man she had seen since he helped everyone escape Loch's grasp.

  "Yes, you have and thank you," she said as she sat down and looked out across the water.

  "The truth is I'm really not sure where the Queen's loyalty lies. She has taken running the kingdom very seriously after the passing of your grandmother; always looking out for the best interest of the fae but..." he paused sliding a hand through his light blond hair as he let out a sigh. "I'm beginning to think she is jealous of you."

  Nicole turned her eyes on Slade, "Jealous of me? But why?"

  Slade shrugged his shoulders, "I'm sure it's because by all rights the throne is yours, not hers. This whole kingdom," he glanced around at all the beauty that surrounded them, "It belongs to you and you’re the only person who holds the power to rule it; a power much greater than any King or Queen before you. I'm sure that scares the hell out of Teya." He chuckled as he took in Nicole's bewildered expression. "Don't you see? That's why your Grandmother's love for her warrior caused such an outpouring of hate from a few. They all feared the power that the child created with both fae and warrior blood would hold."

  "I'm not sure that matters now. What's done is done and I'm here now. I don't want the throne. I just want to stop this war and leave my people to live in peace," Nicole crossed her arms across her chest as a slight chill raised goose bumps on her bare arms.

  Slade reached out and rubbed his hands across her arms when he noticed her discomfort. "Here," he pulled her to his side placing his arms around her, "It's a bit cold but this should help."

  Apprehension knotted in Nicole's stomach when Slade pulled her tight to him but the warmth radiating from his body quickly chased away the anxiety and had her forgetting about the cold nipping at her skin. "Thank you," she whispered as a new warmth started to form in her belly. Slade's masculine scent drew Nicole in as she sat wrapped in his arms. She felt the pull to lay her head against his chest and let herself enjoy the closeness and security of his arms but a tugging in her heart made her keep her distance.

  Slade traced small circles on her arm with his thumb as he held her, "Can I ask you something?"

  Nicole nodded but kept her eyes on the glowing night sky as she waited, afraid that looking into his ghostly blue eyes would be too much for her.

  "When you say 'your people' do you mean the fae?"

  The caress of his breath on her neck sent a new course of chills down her body but she tried keep it from showing, "Both fae and warriors of course." She could feel his body stiffen slightly when she spoke so she turned to look at him, "Slade, I'm both so you cannot expect me to turn my back on one."

  Slade weighed his words before he spoke as he looking into her eyes, "You can't save both, love. This war runs too deep so there's no way of knowing who the good guys among the warriors truly are."

  Nicole's brows crumpled together as she processed his words, "Are you saying I should wipe out the entire warrior race just because of a few bad seeds?" She pulled away from his embrace and stood up. "That is the craziest thing I've ever heard."

  "Nicole, it simply can't be done. Look at your warriors. They are hot tempered and violent where the fae race is a peaceful one unless they are pushed into fighting. Why would you want to let a bloodline like that continue to haunt this world," he stood with his arms wide and his eyes cold and hard on her. "Would you think about all that Loch has done to you and your family for just a moment," he pleaded as he grabbed her face and forced her to look him in the eyes. "Do you want your father hurt again? How about your friend Kat?"

  Nicole jerked her face from his hands and took a step back from him, "That's the work of one man, Slade, not all warriors," she hissed. She could feel her body start to shake as the anger replaced the warmth for the man standing in front of her. "Just when I think you're a great guy you go and show your true side," she said throwing up her hands.

  Slade let out a deep laugh, "I am a good guy, Nicole. I'm just trying to help you see the light in this dark world. Everything isn't as simple as you have it laid out in your head, love." He reached out and stopped her from backing away from him. He pulled her hands up to his chest and wrapped his arm around her small waist, "I'm being the man you need, the one who will be honest and help guide you in a realm you k
now nothing about. You are just too damn pigheaded to see what's best for you."

  Nicole pushed against his chest trying to free herself from his grasp but before she could escape his full lips crushed down on hers, fervor and desire radiating from every press of his mouth. Nicole struggled to pull from his embrace as he tried to deepen the kiss. She could feel her body starting to warm to him. Her passion was building inside and a fire igniting though she tried to fight it. She began to panic; she was torn between the man she had glimpsed in Slade and the warrior she carried in her heart. Her hands ignited in a red glow as her panic overflowed and she shoved again sending Slade staggering backwards as she gasped for breath. "Don't ever touch me again!"

  Suddenly a pull she knew without doubt tugged at her senses and she turned to see Luke barreling forward. He tackled the stunned Slade to the ground and they went rolling. Thumping of fists and grunts sounded as the two men tore into each other. Slade flipped Luke off of him and gained his footing just as Luke dove for him again.

  "Stop this," shouted Nicole but the two men continued to bash into each other. Luke grabbed Slade around the waist and with a twist of his body he threw him into a tree thirty feet away causing leaves to rain down in twinkles of green light.