Blood Awakening (Blood Burden Series Prelude) Read online

  Blood Awakening

  A Short Story

  Written By Wenona Hulsey

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.

  Copyright © 2011 by Wenona Hulsey

  Table of Contents:

  Chapter 1: Happier Times

  Chapter 2: Awakening

  Chapter 3: The Beginning

  Burden of Blood

  About the Author

  Chapter 1: Happier Times

  “Come on, let’s get this party started!” shouted Kat from her Jeep as she pulled up to the curb in front of Nicole’s apartment. Her long, black hair was pulled up into a ponytail and her bright orange bikini top seemed to glow against the black interior.

  The top was down on the Jeep, giving Nicole a full view of her best friend’s beaming face. She jogged to the waiting car, slinging her overnight bag into the back before jumping in. “I’ve been waiting for this all week,” Nicole said excitedly. “The sand beneath my feet, a strong drink in my hand and my best friend by my side.” She grabbed Kat in a quick hug then leaned back, slipping her sunglasses on as they pulled onto the road.

  “So the truth comes out! I knew you loved my spontaneous side! You just act indecisive, when in reality, you’re a wild woman looking to have some fun,” Kat grinned at her.

  “No, I’m not crazy like you, but I’m looking forward to getting away for the weekend.” She shrugged her shoulders as she pulled her long, curly, brown hair up into a ponytail, putting an end to the wind’s incessant whipping of it into her face. “You’re the yin to my yang, Kat; we balance each other out. Together, we make for one hell of a time,” she laughed.

  “You and I are gonna find us some hot eye candy at the beach and eat em up!” giggled Kat as she pulled to a stop. It was the only red light in their small home town of Double Springs.

  Nicole sprang up from her seat, throwing her arms over the roll-bars with a mischievous smile on her face. “Goodbye Alabama,” she waved, using a perfectly executed “beauty queen” wave at the scarce traffic. “Hello Panama City, Florida!” She exclaimed as she took a deep breath of the humid, early morning air, letting the scents of honeysuckle and pine fill her nose.

  “Come on,” Kat urged, pulling her hand and dragging her back to her seat as a horn honked from behind them, “Let’s put this puppy in the wind.” She pulled out of the small town and headed south for a weekend of sun and fun.

  The duo pulled to a stop in front of their hotel just as the sun was beginning to set, casting beautiful hues of orange and deep purple across the horizon, where it kissed the ocean waters. A few wrong turns and more than one pit stop at clothing shops Kat couldn’t ignore had them running behind schedule. But Nicole didn’t complain; she was enjoying every second of the time she had away from her country town. She loved the place where she grew up, but after losing her mother a few months earlier, she was ready to get away from all the pity-filled eyes that constantly reminded her of her loss.

  She knew everyone meant well, but it sometimes made it even more painful for her and her father to move on with their lives. The many heartfelt condolences followed by “How are you holding up?” and “We are praying for you and your dad, honey,” only made it more difficult to keep from crawling into a deep, dark cave somewhere where she could grieve openly for her mother. Sure, both she and her father knew the fateful day was near, but that didn’t make it hurt any less.

  As soon as she realized her mother wasn’t responding to the chemotherapy, Nicole began to prepare herself for the inevitable. Although she continued to pay rent for her small apartment, she practically moved back in with her parents, just so she could be by her mother’s side. Day by day, she watched the life fade from her mother’s sparkling, blue eyes as she slowly deteriorated. It all happened so fast, yet so slow, at the same time. It was hard watching her suffer each day, growing thinner and more frail, but Nicole continue to pray for a little more time together before death finally arrived at her mother’s door.

  “Hey, are you okay?” asked Kat as she placed a comforting hand on Nicole’s arm. She knew just how tough things had been on her friend and was hoping to get her mind off her sadness, even if just for a few days.

  Nicole smiled softly as she realized she had zoned momentarily, “Yep, I’m ready to have some fun,” she said, shaking away the thoughts of her mother. “Let’s get dressed and find something to eat, I’m starving.”

  “I second that.” Kat jumped from the Jeep and began dragging suitcases from the back while Nicole grabbed her overnight bag.

  Nicole laughed, “We’re only staying two days Kat, do you really need this much stuff?”

  Kat pursed her lips, then stuck out her tongue, “ I packed enough for the both of us, because, frankly, you dress like crap.”

  Nicole looked down at her torn, cutoff shorts, bright pink tank-top and black flip-flops, then back at her smiling friend. “Just for that, you can carry your own damn closet,” she smirked, blowing a kiss at Kat before walking toward the hotel.