Blood Of Fire (The Blood Burden Series) Read online

Page 11

  He rubbed his hand across the back of his neck as he thought. The stress was getting to him and not about the mounting war—he was trained for wars but not for dealing with women. Knowing that he needed to talk to her he bounded up the right side of the staircase in the direction that he could sense her. It is time to stop being a jealous ass and tell her the truth, he thought to himself as he rounded the corner and walked down the hall. The castle wasn't stuck in the old ways like most would have thought. Hardwood floors lined the hallways and a deep burgundy was painted on the walls with wide, white crown molding covering the once cold stone block walls. The fixtures were also modern insets that dotted the ceiling, dropping down just enough light to cast a warm glow to the walkway. "More of Teya's touches," he grumbled as he reached the end of the hall and turned to the right again.

  Luke could feel Nicole moving about but it was in small bursts so he figured she was getting settled into her room. He was hoping to catch her before she had too much time to dote over the grandeur of the place and, more importantly, before she had more time to think about what a childish pain he had been. He turned right again at the end of the hall and noticed the pull was leading him up into the tower room at the top of the stairs. He took the first two steps in one lunge making quick time up the spiraling incline but stopped short of the last three steps. At the top of the stars he could see Slade standing in the doorway of Nicole's room. He was talking softly to her as she studied him. "Please, I just need a moment to talk to you," he took her hand and kissed it lightly but she pulled her hand back from him.

  Luke could see the doubt and unease in her eyes as she listened to Slade. "Slade, there's nothing we need to talk about. I know what your motives were back at Loch's and I'm sure they haven't changed. You are in this for your own gains and I will not help you."

  "Please, you've got me all wrong. If all I cared about was myself, I wouldn't have helped you and everyone else get out of there," he said tenderly. "Just let me come in and explain. There's so much you still don't know, love," he whispered.

  Luke watched with his heart beating in his throat. He wanted her to tell him to leave, to shut the door in his face, any sign that there wasn't a chance she was going to listen to his lies but instead she let her shoulders sag in defeat and stepped back to let Slade in.

  When Slade was inside Luke stepped out into sight hoping to get Nicole to change her mind. Just as she was closing the door she noticed Luke. She froze staring into his soul with her deep blue eyes. He could see the confusion and hurt just as clear as he could see her standing in front of him. He tried to think of something to say, anything at all, but the whole world seemed to stand still in the moment. Then she dropped her eyes to the floor and closed the door.

  He ran his hands roughly into his hair. "Fuck!" he groaned pacing the floor. "I'm such an idiot. She wants to be with him." He punched the wall with a guttural roar. Sheet rock crumbled around his fist along with some brick of the block wall hidden behind. He shook with anger as he turned back down the stairway, "If that's what she wants then I'll let her have it but he's not going to keep me from doing my job."


  "He follows you around like some lost puppy." Slade opened the French doors that led out to the balcony of Nicole's room.

  Nicole crossed her arms over her chest, "You knew he was out there?"

  "Of course, love. I wouldn't be the man I am today if I wasn't always aware of what's going on around me. There's always someone looking to take what I want," he faced her with a smile.

  "Oh, you mean you're always having to watch your back so someone wont steal what your trying to take," she could feel her temper starting to rise the more she looked into his smug face. "Slade, I don't have time for your bull. Thank you for helping us get away from Loch but I'm not giving you what you want. I do not want to rule this kingdom; I only want to put an end to the war, so you will not gain power by using me."

  Slade dropped his eyes, a genuine look of hurt replaced his calm and distinguished demeanor, "Nicole, I'm not the cold blooded man you think I am. I care about these people," he took her hand and led her out onto the balcony.

  Nicole could see the whole town stretching out below her. She pointed to the cobblestone road that ended at the castle gates, "What is that?"

  "That is for you. A parade in your honor, love." He pointed to the line of people all making their way down the street to place flowers, food, and ornate gifts at the foot of the gate."

  "But why? I don't understand why all the fuss."

  "These people believe in you, Nicole. They know that you will be the one to bring happiness and peace back to our world. They want to pay tribute to the new queen."

  Nicole clutched her hand to her chest, "New queen! But I don't want to be the queen." She shook her head and backed into the cover of her room, "That's not what I came here to do."

  "But it's your place," Slade said firmly with his brows pressed together in frustration.

  Nicole threw her hands up in the air, "No it's not Slade." She stomped over to the door and opened it, "It's time you left."

  Slade studied her face with a cold look in his eyes, "Fine, but this conversation isn't over." He walked past her but stopped before he was completely through the doorway, "It's your decision what you do with the throne but I have a say in how you feel about me." He slid the back of his finger down her cheek, "I care about you love, and I'm not giving up that easily."

  Nicole stepped back from his reach and closed the door. She leaned against the wall and listened to the echo of his boots as he turned and walked away. "Damn it, I don't need this. Not any of this," she cursed. She sat down on the edge of the huge four post bed and stared out the open doors of the balcony into the bright, midday sky. She didn't want to rule a kingdom, she didn't want to fight a war, hell, she didn't want to be anywhere right now other than in her own bed back in her own, little, Alabama home town safe under the covers.

  She dropped her head down into her hands. "What happened to magical worlds staying in story books?"

  "Well like it or not the fairy tale is as real as this fairy standing in front of you," snapped Sage.

  Nicole jumped, "Where did you come from?"

  Sage pointed a finger to the open bedroom door as she stood with one hand on her hip, "It wasn't locked so I walked in."

  "Well most normal people knock, Sage."

  Sage laughed, "Well good thing I'm not normal. I brought you something to wear tonight," she pointed to a garment bag draped over a high back chair in the corner of the room. "You're welcome," she smirked.

  "Oh, umm..sorry. Thank you," Nicole rubbed her temples.

  Sage jumped onto the high bed and leaned up against the pillows, "Your bed is bigger than mine," she stated as she fluffed the pillow behind her head. She patted the spot next to her and Nicole leaned back and stared up at the white canopy above her. "Well, you've gotten too damn good with guarding your thoughts so you're going to have to spill it."

  Nicole kept staring up into the space above her, "I wouldn't know where to begin."

  Sage slid down so she was lying flat on her back just like Nicole and stared up into the void too.

  "Well, let's not deal with the heavy right now. How about we talk about the two boys fighting over you? It will be just like a slumber party." She pressed up onto her elbows so she could look down into Nicole's face, "I'll even braid your hair."

  Nicole turned her eyes on Sage raising one eyebrow in disbelief, "Who are you and what have you done with the irritable, cold-hearted Sage I love?"

  A genuine grin spread across Sage's red lips, "Stop flattering me or I'll go back to flirting with you just like my brother and Luke. I am one step ahead of them already," she winked.

  "One step ahead of them…what do you mean?"

  "I've got you in bed." Sage gave a comical wiggle of her eyebrows causing Nicole to giggle.

  "You are so full of yourself, Sage," Nicole laughed as she let her eyes drift back to the spa
ce above her. Sage settled in beside her again still laughing.

  "Well at least you're smiling. You shouldn't let those guys get you down. Right now you should worry about taking a long bath, drinking a glass of wine and then getting ready for the ball tonight."

  "Ball?" groaned Nicole. "Can't I just hang out in my room for a few days and pretend to be sick?" She hated the idea of facing the world right now. All she wanted to do is hide away and pretend like life was normal again. No powers, no kingdoms in jeopardy and defiantly no men fighting for her hand. She longed for the smell of pine, the taste of sweet tea and the company of her dad and Kat.

  "Really, Nicole. You can't hide away from this. You need to talk to Luke. As much as I detest warriors...I feel bad for him. He's going off the deep end."

  "I should talk to him? Sage, I don't think you see what I see. When he looks at me he's always so cold. He's not the man I knew before I left him behind."

  Sage rolled to her side and thumped Nicole on the arm, "Don't you see? That's what made him like this. You refuse to let him be by your side in any form because you're too stubborn. If nothing else you have to understand his job is to protect you." She sat up crossing her legs under her, "You may not love him Nicole but I can tell he loves you so the least you could do is let him be your warrior again."

  Nicole stared at Sage like she was seeing the dark haired, pointed ear, snow white fairy for the very first time, "Listen to you. Since when do you believe in love and letting a man protect you?"

  Sage dropped her eyes and a serious look turned down her lips, "I've had a lot of time with Luke since you left and well…we both can agree that we care about keeping you safe. All romantic feelings aside, he truly is miserable without you."

  Picking at the pillow behind her head Nicole let her mind drift back to the Luke she left in Alabama. Life had been so crazy that she never really allowed him to get too close to her. Before she knew that he was a warrior it was the fear of him finding out that she had hidden powers that kept her distant from him. But even after they knew the whole story about each other she had still pushed him away to protect him. She didn't want anyone to suffer for her, especially those she cared about so pushing him away was the best thing to do then...but what about now?

  Sage darted off the bed in a blur that made Nicole motion sick for a moment, "When you see this dress you are going to change your mind about going to the ball." Sage said, pulling Nicole from her thoughts. She unzipped the garment bag and revealed a long dress in a stunning deep green. Beautiful black swirls delicately danced across the velvet bodice with precisely placed pearls in the center of each turn. It was sleeveless with the top made to define a small waist and then turned into a long and flowing silk skirt.

  Nicole rose from the bed. She felt the crush of the velvet beneath her fingers as she traced the intricate design of the dress, "And what fairy tale princess did you steal this from?"

  Sage snarled her nose, "Those primpy little things don't have shit on this dress. This one was made for a true leader, one with a mind of steel and blood of fire." She placed the dress in Nicole's hands with a wink. "Now hang this up and go enjoy a good soak. I'll stand guard out here and keep the men away."

  Nicole gave a sarcastic laugh, "I don't think you will be too busy. I've managed to make them both mad at me within minutes of each other."

  Sage walked to what Nicole thought were two doors leading to a closet and slid them open. Hidden in the wall was a huge, flat screen television and shelves lined with movies and books. The fairy thumbed through the movie titles as Nicole gawked, "What? Did you think just because we live in a castle in a different dimension we would all be using torches and chamber pots."

  "I wasn't expecting...."she pointed to the home theater set up then shook her head, "Just forget it," she laughed. "I'm guessing I'm not going to be taking a bath in fire heated water either am I?"

  "Not unless you count the gas hot water heater as a fire. But if you like, you can go take a bath in the river and I'll enjoy your Jacuzzi tub—just so you feel like you're getting the 'true story book experience'." Sage flopped down on the bed with a remote in her hand and a sly grin on her crimson lips.

  Nicole smiled at the prospect of a nice hot bath with powerful jets soothing away the soreness in her muscles, "I'll pass. Enjoy your movie, Sage."

  "Yell if you need company," shouted Sage as Nicole shut the bathroom door.

  "I'll pass," Nicole repeated with a laugh.

  Chapter 13

  Sage sat in front of her vanity mirror finishing the final touches on her dark lined eyes. The jet black pencil was almost a nub but she expertly glided it around her oval shaped eyes then dropped it down on the glass tray littered with eye shadows and lipsticks. She leaned back in her chair and took in her reflection, "You are one hot fairy." She kissed at the image staring back at her then began packing up her curling iron, hairspray, and every hair clip she could find into a small travel bag.

  After she had the bag ready she slipped a button up shirt over her black strapless bra then walked across the room to grab the pair of gray yoga pants. Just as she slipped them on over her slender hips a knock sounded on her bedroom door, "Come in," she yelled not looking up as the door swung open.

  "What do you want, Destiny?" asked Sage with a bored tone. The young fairy stood in the doorway watching Sage dart about her room gathering items and stuffing them in a bag.

  "Where are you going dressed like that?" Destiny asked but with a snarl of disgust twisting her pale face in a comical way.

  Sage stopped in front of the teen girl, "If you must know, I'm going to help the princess get ready for tonight," she waved her hands across her body, "I didn't want to get anything on my dress so I'm going like this." She rolled her eyes as the girl just stared at her with a dimwitted look on her face, "Was there a reason you came here?"

  "Oh…yes," stammered the girl as her cheeks tinted red. "You've been summoned to Queen Teya's chambers."

  "Now," huffed Sage. "I'm a bit busy."

  Destiny's almond shaped blue eyes gleamed with joy at the chance to be mischievous, "Do you want me to tell the Queen that? You know I will."

  Sage laughed a dark giggle, "That would be a sight. No, I'm coming."

  Within minutes Sage was waiting outside the Queen's room as Destiny announced her arrival. After a few moments Destiny opened the door and waved Sage inside as she stepped out, closing the door behind her.

  The room was dimly lit with the thick red drapes pulled closed so no sun could seep inside. The drapes matched the coverings on the grand canopy bed that was perfectly dressed; not a pillow out of place or a wrinkle in sight. Sage stepped deeper into the room finding the small framed queen sitting quietly in a chair with an open book in her lap, "Come," Teya waved her hand at Sage motioning for her to take the Victorian high back chair across from her.

  "Sage, I've brought you here to speak of something very important that mustn't leave this room. I'm about to ask you to do something that may seem…a little out of the ordinary but I'm sure that you want to do what is best for this kingdom as much as I do," she smiled but the emotion didn't touch her eyes.

  "Of course what you tell me will remain between us," agreed Sage. Though her voice was confident unease was creeping under her skin as she stared into the queen's eyes.

  Teya placed the book onto the table beside her then folded her hands in her lap, "I need you to wipe Nicole's mind of us. You need to take her back to a point where she can return to her happy life in her little town without the burdens of our world."

  Sage wrinkled her nose as words bubbled in her chest, "Have you gone insane? I will do no such thing. This kingdom needs her like she—"

  Teya held up a hand, "I know you care deeply about the princess, Sage but this is for her own good. I'm sure if the princess thought it through this would be what she would want. She's not cut out for war."

  Sage shook her head as she tried to wrap her mind around what she was being asked to do, "Y
ou want me to wipe her memories clean of us? And what do you plan to do about her powers? You can't just wipe those away."

  "No but you can convince her to wear this," she held out her hand and dangled a tear-shaped emerald that was wrapped in silver Celtic knots. The intricate knots wove into the chain that held the shimmering jewel creating a complete link. "Tell her that it was her mother's and that she never takes it off."

  "Made to contain her power just like the one Slade wears," Sage stood up and stared down into the unreadable face of the Queen. "Is it for Nicole's own good or is this because you're jealous of the princess?"

  "How dare you talk to me that way. Have you forgotten who I am?" She raised her chin high as her eyes lit with fire. The beautiful young woman instantly looked hard and dangerous as the power whipped her long, white hair wildly around her face. Sage covered her eyes and took a step back just as the table between them flipped up and slung across the floor, splintering when it slammed against the wall.

  Anger ripped through Sage. She would not be bullied by anyone. What the Queen was asking her to do was wrong and she wouldn't dare do anything to hurt Nicole. She took a defiant step forward into the energy that was threatening to drop her to her knees, "How dare you speak of doing such things to your future queen," Sage screamed over the roar of the power around her.

  "She will never be queen. She does not know what these people need or how to be a leader," she smiled indifferently then leaned back in her chair as casually as if they were talking about the weather. "If you care about your friend, Sage, I would suggest you do as I say."

  Sage laughed coldly, "Or what, you're going to kill me?"

  "No, I know your loyalty to that half bread runs too deep for that threat to work on you my dear," she cocked her head sideways as she studied Sage, almost as if she was looking into her soul. "But if I kill the princess you would lose this fight. It would be easy to take her life away."