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Blood Of Fire (The Blood Burden Series) Page 9

  Just as the guards moved to open the doors a loud commotion sounded back down the hallway in the direction they had just came from. Nicole turned in time to see a guard being slammed violently into the wall, sending sprays of sheet rock crumbling to the floor. Her breath caught in her throat when the man stepped away from the crumpled body lying on the floor. "Luke," she gasped and started forward.

  "Stop her," the voice of Morena boomed out from the now open doors behind them.

  Before Nicole could take two steps a large arm wrapped around her neck pulling her hard backwards. She struggled to slip from the man's grip as more guards began to swarm the hallway from behind Morena.

  Luke tackled the guard running toward him and in one fluid motion of brute strength snapped the man's neck, letting him fall heavily to the floor before moving onto the next. There was no show of fire or super strength in this battle. All men here were fighting on fair ground because of Slade's unwavering and unbiased powers blanketing everyone as thoroughly as the air they all breathed.

  Nicole could see the sweat starting to bead on Luke's forehead as he moved from man to man, cutting a path toward her with each swing of his fist, letting nothing stand in his way. Her eyes darted to her side where Sage was struggling to free herself from her captor as well. The slight woman expertly centered the guard's stomach with a blade-like elbow then copied the motion to his face when he bowed over in pain. Just as she Nicole began to slip from the hold of her own captor the feel of cold metal on her temple followed by the clicking of a hammer froze her in place.

  "Enough," yelled Morena as she pressed the barrel of her gun to Nicole's face, "I've tolerated all I will of this game." She turned her hard glare onto Sage and Luke, "Now, if you two don't want your pretty little friend's brains on the floor in the next five seconds I'd suggest you stop."

  Sage and Luke froze where they stood. Luke let the guard he choked close to unconsciousness fall at his feet gasping for breath. For the first time Nicole was able to meet his hardened gaze as he panted for breath. There was no tenderness in his eyes as he stared at Nicole. There was only anger, hurt and determination. He looked away from her to Slade then back to Morena as his body trembled and muscles flexed with anticipation, "Just give her to me and there won't be any need for more bloodshed."

  "You're in no position to be making demands warrior," retorted Morena. "Slade, take Nicole inside," she motioned toward the open oak doors. "Guard, take those two down to the cells until I can ask Loch what he wants done."

  Slade stepped up behind Nicole taking her by the arms as the guard stepped aside. Nicole's vision blurred and the room around her was warping into odd shapes from the lack of oxygen up until the second that the guard released his hold on her neck. Her legs went weak just as Slade took hold and she found herself falling but before her knees hit the floor Slade slid his arms around her waist pulling her back to her feet, "Hold on love," he whispered pulling her close to his body. "Don't pass out when I'm about to do something extremely stupid."

  Slade turned Nicole with lightning speed, spinning her out of the line of Morena's gun then let loose his hold on Nicole. He spun sending Morena's gun sailing across the floor. Almost in the same fluid motion he swept his leg out and sent the guard holding Sage to the ground. Sage quickly seized Morena in her stunned state and downed her with a sharp blow to the back of her head, sending her into an unconscious pile on the floor. Seeing his cue Luke ripped his arms from the grasp of the guards that fought to hold him.

  Nicole watched the two men fighting side by side to dispose of the final guards. She had let herself forget that Slade still possessed his supernatural speed while everyone else was basically human. He moved with the magical speed and inhuman grace Nicole had seen Sage display but he killed with the brute force and the cold, hardened look of a warrior. Never hesitating as he twisted the neck of his target then stood looking down at his dead enemy with complete confidence. But what was even more unbelievable to her was that Luke was completely powerless but yet he made quick work of the guard that sought to subdue him as well. It was like watching a master fighter moving about without a thought, always knowing what his next move will be then swooping in for the kill without the slightest sign of doubt. If it wasn’t for the rapid rise and fall of his chest when he finished Nicole would have never known his powers were held out of his reach just as hers were.

  Nicole found herself mesmerized and staring unabashedly at Luke. His dirt stained gray shirt clung to his muscles as the sweat made the material darker in spots on his chest and down his lean stomach. Even the littlest details like the small tears in his shirt exposing his golden, tanned skin drew her attention. She had honestly believed she would never see this man again. Her heart stopped as the world paused its forward motion in the moment their eyes locked. A deep longing to run into his arms and have him hold her tight pulled at her as she searched his eyes hoping to see the same, but coldness was all she found in his deep, pristine, hazel pools staring back at her.

  "Let's go," shouted Sage as she turned to run back down the hall.

  Before Nicole could move from her trance Slade was standing in front of her, blocking her view of Luke. She blinked her eyes trying to pull herself back into the moment as Slade took her hand, "Come love, this is no time for daydreams."

  "Get your dirty hands off of her," Luke shouted as he charged Slade. With a thunderous boom they crashed into the wall. Luke landed on top of Slade and drew his fist back, "You are not going with us traitor."

  With one shove of his hands Slade sent Luke sliding down the hallway on his back, "Seems you forget that I still have my powers, warrior." Slade stood up knocking the dust off his black sport coat with an unamused air then turned his cold gaze on Luke who was pulling himself from the floor, "You will not decide where I go."

  "Will you two stop it," shouted Nicole. "We don't have time for this. We've got to get out of here." She turned to Luke, "We need his help otherwise we will be facing warriors with full powers without him."

  Luke stood with his jaw muscles flexing and his brows knitted together, "Fine, bring the traitor. I'll deal with him when we're out of here." He stepped up to Nicole looking down into her face, "Unless you're attached to him and would like to stop me princess?"

  Luke's heated breath brushed across Nicole's cheek as she tried not to back away from his hardened stare. A million things rushed to the tip of her tongue but before she could say a word Luke turned away from her and started down the hall in the direction Sage had gone.

  Nicole stared after him both hurt and confused as Slade slid an arm around her shoulders and nudged her forward, "Nice boyfriend you have there, love," he chuckled.

  "Hey wait," Nicole shouted, ignoring Slade's snide remark. "We can't leave Morena to go tell Loch, can we? I mean," she stammered trying to say what she was thinking gently, "You killed the guards so shouldn't you also…dispose of her?" She was amazed at her own coldness as she watched Slade, Sage and Luke exchange glances.

  "She's right. Morena is a loose end but we could use her to our advantage," spoke-up Luke.

  "How so?" Sage asked as she ran back to the group.

  "You wipe her mind then I'll implant a new memory," Luke spoke to Sage, “A memory that would clear the traitor of any wrong-doing in Loch's eyes."

  Slade snorted, "And why do you care about clearing my name?"

  "I don't," he stared Slade down with malice in his glare. "But you could prove to be useful if we need someone back on the inside again before this is over."

  Nicole knew Luke was right. The only person remaining alive that witnessed Slade's betrayal to Loch was Morena. They could use her mind to allow Slade access back into Loch's good graces, if they thought he was kidnapped by Luke. "There are two problems with this plan," sighed Nicole. "Slade can't just walk out of here looking like he went willingly and he won't let us use our powers."

  Sage and Luke exchanged a look then Nicole watched as a smirk turned up the edge of Luke's lips, "That
can be fixed." Without a warning he swung his arm catching Slade on the chin. An echo of knuckles clashing against Slade's jaw bone bounced off the walls of the hall just before he collapsed to the floor. Instantly power rushed through every vein and out every pore of Nicole's body. She felt light and free, like a hundred pound chain had been lifted from around her neck as her hands began to glow.

  Luke watched her with a glimmer in his eyes, enjoying the happiness radiating from Nicole, "Better, princess?"

  "Yes," she smiled then looked down at the limp man in the floor. She thought of reminding Luke that they could have given Slade a chance to pull his shield away which would have allowed them to use their power but decided to bring up another point instead, "You know you're going to have to carry him out of here right?"

  He groaned throwing up his hand, "Couldn't you let me enjoy punching him for just a few more minutes before you tossed that bit of information at me?" He shook his head then turned to Sage, "Time to work your magic."

  Chapter 10

  Once away from the estate Luke lead the group deep into the woods away from the roads and any sign of civilized world that could be seen or heard. The sun was rising, causing the early morning dew to glimmer on the leaves of the green underbrush of the forest. Nicole's eyes traveled across the landscape half on guard and half admiring the untouched beauty of the world around them.

  No one in the group had spoken a word after they escaped Loch's estate. When they were far enough away Luke had tossed Slade to the ground and Nicole tried to gently coach him awake. Before he could fully focus Sage kicked him in the leg "Stop whining and get your ass up."

  For what felt like hours, because they had no concept of time, they moved forward along a hidden trail without uttering a word to each other. The tension was thick and almost unbearable to her. Luke and Sage walked slightly ahead of Nicole, never looking back while Slade insisted on walking at her side like a silent shadow.

  When Nicole finally had her fill of the silence she stopped and spoke with the stubborn jut of her chin, "Where are we going?" She placed her hands on her hips.

  "We are taking you somewhere safe," Sage replied with a sharp tone.

  Nicole rolled her eyes at the evasive answer, "And where would that be?"

  "Does it really matter?"

  "Yes it matters, Sage. I want to know," snipped Nicole. She knew she was being hard to deal with but the silence was killing her. If she had to pick a fight to get the real issues to the surface she was ready.

  "Do you want to know or are you worried for your boyfriend," spat Luke as he turned to face her.

  Nicole took in a sharp breath at his words and prepared to set the record straight right then and there but Slade spoke up, "Oh, is the poor warrior worried that the princess may choose her fae side over her warrior side?" Slade took a step towards Luke with a cocky grin, "Is that what's got a bug up your ass, Luke? Well, I'm not going to act like that's not what I want but so far Nicole has been an elusive creature."

  Luke looked past Slade to where Nicole stood, "I want to hear it from you Nicole. Are you taking a side in this war?"

  Nicole was hurt and taken aback by his question, "I'm still standing where I was when I left you behind in Alabama. I came here to put an end to Loch and that's still what I want. I want to stop this war from happening."

  "But then what," demanded Luke. "When you finish Loch where will your loyalty lay? Will you go with him?" He threw a daggered look in Slade's direction as he spoke.

  "Is this really what you want to know Luke," Nicole pushed her way past Slade and stepped up to Luke. Her body was beginning to shake and her words were rushing past her lips before she thought, "Are you asking me which side I'll choose in this war or are you asking me—" She reached forward and shoved with all she had on Luke's chest, causing him to take a step back with wide eyes. "Or are you asking me if I'm choosing you or Slade," her voice echoed through the forest. She stepped back, taking a deep, unsteady breath as she ran her shaking hand through her hair.

  Sage came forward and took Nicole by the hand, pulling her back in the direction the group had been walking leaving the two men standing alone. "Nicole, there will be time for this when we get you safe. We are taking you to one of the few remaining gateways to the Fae world. It's hidden away deep in the forest and has been forgotten by most."

  Nicole shook her head trying to clear her anger clouded mind and focus on what Sage was telling her, "What do you mean 'gateway'? Are you talking like…to another world?"

  Sage snorted, "Yes." She shrugged her shoulders like Nicole was asking the dumbest questions she had ever heard. Sage's powder white skin was glowing in the morning light. Rays of sunshine that found their way past the dense canopy of leaves and were dancing off her black hair making it glitter like something out of a fairytale.

  Nicole watched her friend like she was seeing her for the first time. The dark Gothic fae, whom always dressed in black clothes and adorned spiked dog collars as if it were the height of fashion, had a magic radiating from her in a way Nicole had never seen before.

  Sage glanced over at the staring Nicole and crinkled her nose, "What? Do I have dirt on my face?"

  "Ummm, I promise I'm not coming onto you but your skin is beautiful," Nicole stopped walking and pulled Sages arm up to her face like she was a scientist inspecting a great find. "You're freaking glowing like a lighting bug," she gasped with a large, teasing grin on her face.

  Sage pulled her arm back, "I'm not a freak, Nicole. You're the only mutant here," she snorted with grin. She took Nicole's hand and lifted it up in front of her friend's face, "You're doing it too so don't get all jealous of my fairy sexiness," she winked.

  Nicole gasped as she stared at the light radiating from her hand. She turned her hand from side to side then lifted her other hand up to see the same glow on her hand and up her arms until the point where her sleeve hid her skin away, "I've never done this before," she whispered.

  "That's because you've never been near a Fae gateway before. Our magic is the strongest in our own realm. You will love your kingdom, Nicole," Slade spoke from behind her in a proud tone.

  Nicole turned to see that Slade also had the glow that she and Sage were emitting. It was as if she was seeing his spirit on the surface of his skin in all its captivating beauty. There was so much she was still learning about the world and it made her wonder how she could possibly save a world from war when the basic workings of the very people she was trying to help were so foreign to her. She looked from Slade to Sage then finally let her eyes rest on Luke who had taken his place up in the back of the group. He stood with his arms crossed over his chest as he took in the spectacle playing out in front of him.

  "It's time we get moving again. She's not safe here," Luke demanded looking straight at Nicole but speaking around her.

  "Damn Luke, you don't have to be so snippy. We don't have far to go," Sage retorted with a roll of her eyes as she tugged Nicole's arm to follow her.

  "I guess the chap is just feeling a bit left out right now. I don't blame him…all warriors should envy the fae powers," Slade winked at Nicole then fell into step behind her.

  Luke snorted laughter, "If I wanted to be a sparkling fairy tale creature I'd find a vampire to bite my arse."

  A chuckle escaped Nicole's lips before she could hide it away. Sage gave Nicole a cross but playful look causing Nicole to giggle harder.

  "You've got to admit that was a good one, Sage. And Slade does keep that look of constant pain and despair on his face like those twinkling vamps from the movies." The more she talked, the more she laughed and with one glance back at Slade, Sage nodded and joined in with her bell-like laughter.

  Slade gave a groan from where he stood shaking his head. Nicole chanced a glance back at Luke and caught a fleeting glimpse of a smile as he stared at the ground around his feet. When he looked up his eyes locked with Nicole's for a brief second then any hint of his happiness in the moment was gone. Hurt and anger lined his face
again, "Let's move."


  Another ten minutes the group traveled in silence. Nicole shadowed Sage as she followed a trail that could only be felt by a pull deep inside the soul of a fae. She knew they must be nearing the end of the journey because the trees were unusually vibrant green and there was an abundance of animals: from large, beautiful deer to small, bright green humming birds darting about. There was also a vibration of energy in the air and at times she could see small electric orbs appear only to disappear again like tiny, blue fireflies dancing under the shade of the trees that sheltered them from the midday sun.

  The thick forest gave way to a large clearing blanketed in small yellow flowers and in the center of the opening stood a huge Weeping Willow with its long, dangling limbs creating an umbrella that covered the entire center of the opening. Nicole stood in awe of the magic she could feel dancing in the air around her but at the same time a strange sense of familiarity swept over her. "I've been here before," she whispered.

  Sage shook her head, "That's impossible."

  Nicole took a few steps into the clearing then turned taking in all that was to be seen, "It's the same but different," she shook her head her brows pinched together in thought. "I have these dreams…no, more like visions because they are so real and I've seen this tree," she pointed to the willow just as a breeze caressed its green limbs causing them to sway like the full skirt of a pirouetting ballerina.

  "Are you sure it's this exact place or is it just the tree that's familiar to you," Slade asked as he came to stand at Nicole's side. He had long ago dropped his sports coat and was wearing the top three buttons of his white dress shirt undone. His long blond hair was hanging in a disheveled frame around his sweat beaded face.

  "The place is different but the tree is the exact one. I would know it anywhere."