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Blood Of Fire (The Blood Burden Series) Page 7

  Slade nodded then took a slow drink of his wine, savoring the taste. “You look,” he paused, searching for the right words, “ravishing tonight. Red is a good color for you. It matches the fire I see in your eyes.”

  “You want to see fire, then stop holding my powers away from me,” she winked with a one dark smile curving her lips.

  “Now, now, my love. You know I’ve not had enough of these tonight for you touch that caged beast.”

  “Do I? Well, you will have to excuse my doubt in you now that I know what you really are,” she bit back the urge to call him a bold faced liar, thinking maybe she should keep that information under her sleeve for now.

  Slade leaned forward placing his glass down on the table then steepled his fingers in front of him, “You know that I want what is best for our people, Nicole. We were once a very powerful and respected Kingdom that held the warriors in their proper place for centuries. But foolish people let foolish ideas of a perfect union between the two races, making them equal, get in the way and caused the fall of our people.” He sighed, folding his hands in front of him on the table, “We can do that once again, don’t you see? The fae people shouldn’t live in fear of the warriors that once served as our slaves.”

  Nicole could feel the anger building inside of her. Didn’t he realize that she was the result of that union of races? Was he completely unaware that she was so powerful because her blood was a mixture of both fae and warrior, created not to be used as a weapon of war but out of love? She looked down at the bright white cloth that covered the table as she gathered her thoughts, “Do you think Loch will just walk away if I don’t show up tonight? He’s been waiting for this day for a very long time so I’m sure he will come for me if you hold me here.”

  “But my love, you will go to him tonight,” he smirked with self-confidence gleaming in his eyes. "You will be accepted into the warrior’s domain with open arms along with me as your humble escort. He will make you an offer and you will accept, then when the time is right, we will destroy Loch’s kingdom from the inside out. He won’t know what has hit him until it’s too late,” he slammed his fist into his palm as he smiled, showing the dimples she once admired.

  “We,” Nicole laughed. “And what exactly will you be doing to help out, Slade? I mean, isn’t your greatest power being a leech,” she smiled as she leaned forward, lowering her voice to a whisper, “Of course, I say that in the most flattering way possible.”

  Slade glared at her smirking face, not finding any humor in her words, “I can make those warrior’s powers useless then you can destroy them all.”

  “But you see, this is where you and I don’t see eye to eye, my friend. I have no desire to kill anyone but Loch. I take him out then this whole war is over.”

  “That’s not good enough!” Slade slammed his fist down on the table causing his wine glass to fall over and shatter. A trail of red seeped across the table then began to pool on the floor. “There will be another warrior waiting to take his place so this war will continue until one race is gone. I will not sit by and let it be the Fae.”

  Nicole’s muscles tensed in response to Slade’s display. She could feel all the eyes in the room turn on them as she fought to keep seated. Crossing her arms over her chest, she leaned back into the plush cushions of the booth seat. What's the point in fighting this, he isn’t going to budge so now is the time to play it smart. He's willing to help me get to Loch and that’s my goal. Why not use that to my advantage? Her mind spun around the idea with surprising ease. She wasn’t raised to use people and knew if her dad was here she would get a serious lecture but Slade could be a useful tool to end this war and she would be stupid not to take advantage of it.

  Nicole stood up and was quickly followed by Slade jumping to his feet, “Where do you think you’re going?”

  A smile played across her lips as she watched the goon she had affectionately nicknamed Rover push off the wall he was leaning against. He watched her every move as if she was about to attack. She gave him a quick wink then turned her attention back to Slade, “If I’m going to war, I’m sure as hell not going looking like this.”

  Slade studied her face, his brows pinched together in thought, until whatever he was looking for was satisfied. He nodded to the warrior, “Escort Ms. Keenan back to her room so she can change. I will meet you at the car.”

  Nicole spun on her heels and started making her way out of the room but was stopped by the arm, “Don’t try to screw me Nicole, you will regret it,” Slade whispered in her ear.

  “Now Slade, I thought you wanted me to give you a good screwing. You’re such a confusing man,” she purred with a sarcastic undertone she was sure would leave Slade wondering. She left him standing there to watch her walk away on the arm of a warrior.

  Chapter 8

  Nicole hurried into her room with the warrior following close behind, “Sit boy,” she pointed to the couch in the living area of the suite. “I’ve got to change and I won’t need your supervision.”

  The man studied her for a moment then slowly nodded his head, “You’ve got five minutes then I’m coming in after you.” He leaned against the wall crossing his arms over his broad chest.

  “You’re such a sweetheart,” Nicole rolled her eyes at the warrior then quickly went into her room, shutting the door behind her. Her mind was running in a hundred different directions all at the same time. “One step at a time girl,” she spoke to herself as she started to slide out of the atrocious dress. “First I figure out how to take out Loch, then I move onto getting rid of Slade all while not getting myself killed. Simple,” she said sarcastically.

  Her chest began tightening with every breath and her throat was shutting off as her nerves went into over drive. She tried to swallow down the building emotions and just concentrate on changing into some comfortable clothes. She managed to slide an Alabama football T-shirt over her head, but the world around her began to spin as she fought for control. Her knees wobbled slightly so she quickly dropped to the floor, taking deep breaths to fight off the blackness overtaking her vision. This wasn't her nerves. No she could tell this was an outside force trying to press its way into her head. But it wasn't strong enough to drill past Slade's shield.

  The door to her room crashed open and Claude and Slade came pouring in with the guard taking position in the doorway. Slade glanced down to where Nicole sat in the floor then turned his attention out her patio door, “Send the others to capture them then you come back here with us.”

  Claude nodded then he and the guard were gone from the room in a blink of an eye. Slade walked over to Nicole, “Get dressed. We need to go now,” he snipped reaching down and pulling her to her feet by one arm.

  Nicole’s vision was still blurred but she managed to remain on her feet. The weakness seemed to be dissipating rapidly with each passing second, “What’s going on?”

  “Seems my dear sister and that warrior of yours are trying to get to you. I almost forgot how strong Sage’s powers were too.” He shook his head as he let his eyes drift back out the door and across the darkening garden. “No matter now. All she managed to do was give you a headache and alert the warriors to her location. I’ll have them soon enough.”

  “Leave them alone, Slade! I swear if you hurt them I will make you regret ever hearing my name,” Nicole hissed.

  Slade grabbed her jeans from across the bed and shoved them in her hands, “Put them on or walk to the car in only your shirt and panties, decide now.” He turned his attention back to the door, her threat having no effect on his demeanor. He glared out into the darkness following an unseen chase as he shifted uneasily.

  Nicole put on her jeans but before she could get her shoes tied Claude appeared at the end of her bed with a wisp of wind following behind him, “The rest of the guards are trailing them,” he reported.

  “Let’s go then,” Slade pulled Nicole off the bed by her arm as she struggled to not trip over her untied laces.

  “Just us? Wouldn’t
it be wise to bring more guards, sir?”

  “There’s no time. It’s best to move while they are running for their lives.”

  Claude nodded in agreement and followed Slade and Nicole out of the room. They started down the hallway of the hotel. Slade and Claude were on constant alert, swiveling their heads from side to side and cautiously approaching every corner before moving forward again.

  Nicole cleared her throat and tried hard not to let the irritation of being pulled along like a small child show in her voice, “You know, if you’d let me use my powers we could all be in the car in the next few seconds instead of you all having to go at human speed with me.” Nicole hoped her voice of reason would overpower Slade’s suspicion but the look on his face told her she was getting nowhere with him.

  “Nice try, love,” Slade pulled her forward toward a side exit of the hotel that opened to a private parking area. The black limo sat waiting in the center of the lot. Claude rushed forward in a blur of speed towards the car. He started the limo and was waiting with the door held open before they closed half of the distance.

  “Don’t you understand that I miss my powers? It’s really not fair of you to continue to hold them from me especially since you expect us to work together in defeating Loch,” she climbed into the car and sat drumming her fingers on the armrest as she waited for Slade to join her. She knew she was running out of time to help Luke and Sage. The only way she stood a chance of helping was to attempt convincing Slade into giving her power back. “The way I see it, you owe me for lying all of this time.”

  Slade stood gripping the top of the open door for a moment then bent so he could see Nicole inside the car, “I’m keeping the power at bay to protect you.”

  “Protect me? How is keeping me from being able to defend myself protection?”

  Slade snorted with an arrogant grin as cold as his hardened eyes, “I’m protecting you from the stupid decision you would make to save your friends. Even now, you’re trying to figure out a way to help them. You would sacrifice accomplishing your goal to make sure they are safe,” he shook his head with a look of disdain on his face. “I won’t let you do something that you will regret.” Slade climbed into the car, his stature filling the space and giving Nichole a sense of claustrophobia.

  “How can you say that? Sage is your sister. Aren’t you the slightest bit worried about her?” Panic filled Nicole’s voice as the car started to move away from the hotel. Her window of opportunity was shrinking by the second. “You’re not that cold, are you?” Nicole’s voice quavered with her last words. She could see the look of complete detachment in his eyes at the mention of his sister’s name.

  “Blood is the only thing Sage and I share.” He waved his hand dismissively then leaned forward until his face was inches from Nicole’s. “You just worry about being a good girl when we meet Loch. He must believe that you are willing to join him. Don’t mess this up Nicole or you will be the one regretting the day you heard my name,” he reached up in the blink of an eye, grabbing Nicole by the back of her head. He pulled her head back roughly by a fist full of her hair causing her to gasp. “Do you understand me, my love?”

  Tears glazed over Nicole’s vision as she tried not to scream in pain. She could feel hairs, one by one, turning loose from her scalp as Slade tightened his grip, pulling her head farther back. “I understand,” she spat.

  Staring down into her eyes he smiled softly, liking what he saw, and then let loose of his hold on her head. “Good,” he sat down next to her instead of taking his seat across from her in the limo.

  Rubbing at the tingling area on the back of her head Nicole shifted in her seat, trying to put some space between herself and Slade. She could feel the pressure of him invading her personal space as he sat next to her, letting his leg brush against hers like they were longtime friends. She had to bite back the urge to go for the door as the limo crawled slowly down the winding drive that led away from the hotel. She knew she wouldn’t get far but a few moments out of Slade’s reach seemed worth the risk.

  “You know you’re forcing me to be this kind of person, Nicole,” Slade reached over and took her hand away from the spot on her head and kissed it gently.

  Nicole jerked her hand back as if the touch of his lips against her skin had been the deepest pain she had ever felt, “Don’t touch me again.”

  “It doesn’t have to be like this. I can make you happy and give you a wonderful life. We could be so much more than,” he paused searching for the right word then smiled. “Business partners I guess would be the best label for us. We are both working together to reach a single goal for individual gain, but we could have so much more together.”

  Nicole's eyes were wide and her mouth agape as she tried to fathom the words that had just oozed from Slade’s mouth. She took in his serious and expecting eyes as he waited for her to respond and realized that he was delusional enough to believe that after all that had happened in the past few days, she would consider having a real relationship with him. “You have got to be kidding me. You are a power-hungry, deceitful psycho that has no trouble kidnapping and roughing up a woman. Where I come from, the only thing you would get out of this relationship is the business end of a shotgun.”

  Slade’s face turned hard for a moment. He leaned back into the smooth leather seat staring forward in silence until a smirk softened his glare, “Well, you still have time to come around to the idea and...” He let his eyes meet hers as his smirk turned into a full grin, “In the mean time we will have to keep the shotguns put away.”


  As the limo came to a stop in front of the large estate where Loch would be, Nicole's stomach balled into a tight knot. The building was constructed of beautiful white stones and stood three stories high with enormous white columns marking the entryway. Gleaming windows adorned the face of the luxury home and a large balcony sat high above. The lawn was groomed with vibrantly colored flowers and green bushes all placed precisely, creating a picture perfect view to the casual eye. It was all beautiful, but Nicole saw so much more. One look around and she noticed armed men tucked away just out of sight from the untrained eye. Two men were on the roof, one on the balcony and she had spotted four more guards along the edge of the yard who were blurring their way to the limo. "Warriors with semi-automatic weapons. Wonderful," muttered Nicole as the men surrounded the car.

  "Just keep your mouth closed," Slade shot back at her as Claude opened the door. Slade stepped out with the confidence of a man who owned the world, "I believe your master is expecting us." He held out his hand and waited for Nicole to take it as she emerged from the car.

  Nicole begrudgingly took his hand and let him let him help her from the car but before she could get her bearings she was shoved against the door by a warrior dressed in black. He held her tight against the car as another warrior moved to restrain Slade with surprising ease. "Slade my sweet, it doesn't seem we were expected guests after all."

  "We've been expecting you," said the guard with a shove to the back of Slade's head.

  Slade jerked his body in an attempt to break the warrior's hold on him but with little effect, "Then you should know that this is unnecessary of you." He jerked his arms again but was pressed harder against the car by the guard.

  "I'd say it's quite necessary." A shrill and familiar voice caused goose bumps to dance across Nicole's skin.

  "Morena, so nice to see you again," Nicole purred. She couldn't help the smile spreading across her face like honey when she noticed the dark bruises on each side of Morena's nose. The woman had made a valiant attempt to conceal the black and purple marks but had failed horribly. Nicole had wondered if Morena had any powers, other than being a super bitch, but judging by the slow rate she was healing it was clear to her that Morena was a simple human.

  Morena gave Nicole a dismissive glance as if she didn't exist and then turned her cold glare onto Slade.

  "Slade..." she clicked her tongue against her teeth as she stopped a few
feet in front of the limo. "What a peculiar situation you've allowed yourself in. I had such high hopes for you…for us, but now," she shook her head as she turned around and began to make her way back up the path that lead to the door of the elaborate estate. "Lock them up," She ordered over her shoulder to the guards holding them at the limo.

  "You can't do this. You can't let your jealous ways come between what we are trying to accomplish," Slade shouted.

  Morena stopped where she stood but did not turn around. She seemed lost in thought then with a shake of her head she started forward again, "You have made your choice and I've made mine."

  Chapter 9

  The sound of the tumblers clicking into place and the key sliding out of the lock was like a death sentence to Nicole. "This isn't working out at all," she mumbled cradling her head in both hands. Her steps echoed on the cold concrete floor as she paced the small room. The smell of mildew in the stale air coated her throat and left a thick film in her lungs. She walked back up to the steel door and banged her fist against the metal, "I came to you so you shouldn't be locking me up. This is crazy!" She listened intently for any response but silence filled the space around her. She was completely alone.

  A single guard had taken Slade up to a higher level while two guards escorted Nicole to the basement level; they refused to speak to her or answer any of her demands to see Loch. Both guards kept their handguns aimed on her until they shoved her inside the dark room and closed the door quickly behind them. She guessed they must have heard about her powers and were scared she might turn on them. Nicole's mind began to spin around the idea that there had to be a limit to Slade's power. She wondered just how far away he could be and still keep her powers from her.