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Burden Of Blood Page 5

  After a long shower, Nicole sat in her bedroom debating what to wear. She thumbed through her closet for the third time, finally picking her favorite pair of old blue jeans and a gray form-fitted, Victoria’s Secret tank top. “I’m not dressing up for him… this is just another stake out.” She mumbled to herself as she pulled on her jeans and tank. She didn’t know why she was making such a big deal out of tonight. She had sat with Luke for hours at a time on the job and things had never gotten heated between them so this would be no different, right? “Well, tell that to the butterflies in my stomach because they must have missed the memo.” Laughing to herself, she looked around the room thinking her strange mood must be a reaction to all this teenage décor--it was making her act like a giggly girl getting ready for prom.

  A firm knock at the front door was followed by the echo of her dad’s footsteps. She heard casual hellos and some muffled words she couldn’t quite make out. Nicole started down stairs only to be met by her dad half way up. He had on a green button-up shirt he claimed to be lucky and a brown floppy hat with various fishing lures stuck in random spots around its worn edges. Dark washed jeans and old, scuffed work boots rounded out his attire. She flashed him a grin as she thought of how many times she had seen him wear his “lucky” outfit only to come home empty-handed with stories about the giant fish that got away.

  “Hey, I was coming to get you. I’m heading out now, since Luke is here. I’ll be home around one or two so don’t wait up, okay? Gonna catch me a big one, I can feel it.” He beamed at her before pulling her into a quick hug. “Love you, baby, wish me luck.” He said as he moved toward the door.

  “Love you too, Dad, good luck.” She called out to him as he grabbed his tackle box and fishing pole. Man he really loves a good night of fishing with the guys. She watched him close the door behind him after he called out a good bye to Luke.

  An awkward silence filled the room when Nicole turned to face Luke. He stood casually leaning against the door frame that led into the living room and, as promised, he was holding a pizza box in one hand and a movie in the other. A snug fitting black t-shirt was stretched across his rippling muscles. A burning urge drove her to put a hand on his chest, aching to feel the hardness she knew would be underneath the thin material, but she reached for the pizza instead.

  “Um…I’ll get us some plates if you want to put the movie in.” she said attempting to break the lengthening silence. Nicole pointed him in the direction of the DVD player, then went into the kitchen. She returned with two plates and a couple bottles of Bud Light. Luke sat with the remote in his hand patiently waiting for her to take a seat before he started the movie. His dark blond hair looked freshly cut and the dim light from a small lamp deepened the contours of his face making his already perfect features look like the work of Michelangelo. He appeared completely at ease while her mind was a mixed-up jumble of emotions. She knew she had to put an end to this craziness before it got the best of her. She marched over to the wall and flicked the light switch on, illuminating the room and chasing away the sexy image of Luke that tormented her seconds before.

  Luke didn’t let on if he had noticed or was offended by the sudden change in lighting. He leaned forward and opened the pizza box she had placed on the coffee table in front of him.

  “Hope you like pepperoni.” He began placing slices on the plates while he talked. “I got a comedy for us to watch. I thought you might need a pick-me-up movie after the past few weeks.” He looked up from the pizza, smiling gently at her then patted the spot next to him on the couch.

  “Luke you don’t have to do this. I mean, I appreciate you doing this for my dad’s sake but I’m sure I will be fine on my own. There’s plenty of night left for you to enjoy and Dad will never know. I’m sure he’s on the lake by now anyway.” She rambled on, still standing near the end of the couch.

  “Not a chance in hell you’re getting rid of me tonight, so you should give up now, alright? I promised your dad I would look out for you and I’m a man of my word. Plus he warned me you would try to blow me off tonight. The man knows you like the back of his hand.” he laughed as he leaned back into the couch, lacing his fingers behind his head.

  His defined biceps drew her eyes to his arms, then down to his broad shoulders. A slight tingling started low in her body, making her shift uncomfortably as if she was afraid Luke would pick up on the direction her thoughts were taking. She chuckled nervously at the thought of Luke reading her mind, I’m the only one who can read minds here and my mind is sending out enough naughty thoughts for the two of us.

  With a huff, she sat down on the opposite end of the couch, folding her arms across her chest and putting her sock clad feet up on the table. After a few minutes, she relaxed a bit, thinking maybe she was overreacting to the whole babysitting thing. She should be grateful she wasn’t spending her night bored and alone. Reaching forward, she picked up her pizza as she settled back into the cushion, crossing her feet at the ankles.

  “So what’s the latest on the guy who gave me this battle scar?” she asked gesturing to her arm as she took a bite of her pizza. She was determined to take her mind off Luke’s rippling biceps and the rock hard abs she was sure his black t-shirt was stubbornly hiding. The best way to do that was the strategy she had been using all these years…only talk about work.

  “Not much to tell, we haven’t been able to catch sight of anyone fitting the vague description you gave us and since you didn’t see the vehicle he left in, we don’t have much else to go on.” He leaned forward, putting his elbows on his knees, then turning his face towards the screen that displayed the movie’s menu.

  Something flashed in his expression that Nicole couldn’t pin down, a little frustration or maybe aggravation. Either way she was happy to be on a comfortable, safe subject. “Maybe this had something to do with one of the court cases I was due to testify in that day. There were three of them, but they all seemed pretty standard open-and-shut drug cases, even without my testimony.”

  “Come on girl, can’t you hold out on this for one more day. We can go over all the details first thing tomorrow when we are at work. I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather watch a good movie with a friend on Friday night than worry about this crap,” he said, reaching over and playfully punching her on the leg. He leaned back into the plush couch cushion and hit the play button on the remote.

  “Easy for you to say, you’re not the one who was shot at. All I’m saying is-”

  Luke put up his hand, stopping her mid-sentence. Nicole shot him a death stare in disbelief but he just shot back a sly grin making his hazel eyes sparkle.

  “I know where your dad keeps the duct tape so don’t think for a second I’m above sealing your mouth shut so I can watch this movie.” A mischievous smile played across his full lips sending a thrilling shiver through Nicole’s body. How long had it been since she had let herself get close to a man? From the way her body was reacting to him-far too long. She bit her lip, trying to hide the smile that was fighting to escape.

  “I’m just trying to …” she started.

  In the next second, Luke was up, heading toward the kitchen where Nicole knew James kept a roll of tape. “You can’t be serious!” She reached out to grab him, but only managed to get hold of the edge of his shirt. He did a quick dodge out of her reach, causing her to lose what little grip she had on him. Nicole quickly jumped up off the couch and chased after him catching hold of his waist from behind and ineffectually digging her heels into the hardwood floor to slow him down.

  “Don’t you dare Luke!” she said breathlessly laughing as she tried to keep him from taking another step. Lightning fast, he turned in her hands until he was facing her. He was grinning as big as the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland. Luke grabbed and tossed her over his shoulder with a rumbling laugh. “No! No! No!” she protested as she held onto his lower back, dangling upside down and laughing uncontrollably.

  “Do you solemnly swear to exercise your right to re
main silent during this movie or must I cuff and gag you, little lady?” he said putting on his toughest cop voice.

  “I give Luke, I promise to watch the movie and not talk any more about work tonight, okay. Now will you please put me down?”

  “That’s more like it,” he said as he walked over to the end of the couch leaning forward to toss her onto her back but at the last second grabbing on to his neck, she pulled him down with her and into a head lock.

  Nicole let out a mock evil laugh “Ha, you just thought you had the upper hand.” After a few seconds, Luke laughed tapping her arm, signaling she had won. She slowly let loose her hold on him, realizing the wrestling match had left them both lying on the couch with her half on top of him, one leg sexily draped across his lower waist. Her eyes drifted from her own hand resting on one firm pec, then up Luke’s neck and defined jaw to settle on his hazel eyes.

  He was looking at her with a deep fascination, studying her face intently. A glint of hope sparkled in his eyes, along with the start of a fire threatening to quickly get out of control if she allowed it. Gently, he reached forward to push a stray lock of hair behind her ear. He let his finger trail softly down her jaw line, then inching lower to trace the curve of her neck. She leaned her head back, losing herself in his touch, her eyes closing as her lips began to part, letting a whisper of a moan escape her mouth.

  Inside her head, a battle was being fought between her mind and body. Her body was begging for more, wanting to drift away into the ecstasy of his touch and everything the night would bring if she would let go. She longed to explore every inch of his rock hard body. But her head was stating facts, 1. You are co-workers. 2. You have a big skeleton in your closet. 3. He will run for the hills when he finds out what a freak of nature you are. 4. If he doesn’t run, he will have to deal with your mind-reading bull shit along with all the drama and that’s not fair to him.

  Point number four was like throwing a bucket of ice water over her head. She inhaled a deep breath, savoring the last few seconds of intimacy she was going to allow herself before she slowly opened her eyes. Their foreheads were almost touching, she could feel the warmth of his breath on her skin…his full lips were just centimeters away from hers and she wanted him so damn bad, it hurt.

  “Luke…” she whispered breathlessly “I…I can’t do this, I’m just not…”

  “Don’t say it,” he breathed. “Just lie here in my arms, I’m not asking for anything more.” He pulled her down to his body and she didn’t resist. “Let me hold you just for one night.”

  After a few seconds, Nicole laid her head down on his chest, wrapping one arm around his neck. She could hear Luke breathing her scent in deeply as he pressed his lips to the top of her head. She lay there not saying a word. The movie played out on the screen but she didn’t have a clue what it was about. She was lost in her own thoughts. Being in Luke’s arms felt perfect and the rhythm of his heart beat soothed her soul. It felt right to her. Her eyes started to prickle with tears when reality began to push to the front of her mind. She could only allow herself this one night with him-she couldn’t let it happen again. She knew she shouldn’t have let it get this far. She would have to do what was best for the both of them even though it hurt like hell.

  Luke slowly traced small circles on her back with one finger, seemingly lost in his own thoughts. She wondered what was going on inside his head. Biting her lip, she debated over asking him, but thought better of it. Some things are better left unsaid. Maybe he sensed her turmoil because he took her face in both of his hands forcing her eyes to his. The pain was written in his features causing her heart to ache.

  “Stop worrying, we have tonight. We’ll deal with tomorrow later.” He lightly kissed her forehead, then began running his fingers through her hair in a slow rhythm. She exhaled deeply as she buried her face in his chest, calm overtaking her body and radiating deep into her soul. Sleep started to weave its spell, taking her under and she didn’t fight it. She was safe, everything was right in the world at this moment and she hadn’t felt this blissful in a long time.

  This isn’t fair.

  Chapter 6

  The air felt thick in her lungs and the world around her had taken on a dull gray undertone. Nicole looked around as she tried to cut through the fog that threatened to drag her under to an unknown void. She was back in the graveyard, only it was different, cold, unwelcoming and well… just down right spooky. She sat underneath the weeping willow, its drooping limps whipping around in the strong winds as if a storm was just seconds away.

  Nicole made her way slowly out from under the swaying tree and back among the scattered headstones. The sky was filled with dark clouds and the wind was blowing bits of grass, leaves and dirt all around her. Her hair flew wildly in every direction. She tugged at her locks trying to pull them away from her eyes as she turned in a circle looking for shelter from the mounting storm.

  In the distance she recognized the old woman from before standing beside a large headstone. The same drab, brown dress was swaying around her in the aggressive winds but she seemed oblivious to the swelling storm. The woman stared at the headstone in front of her. The first drops of rain pelted down around them like a rapidly growing drum beat.

  Nicole made her way toward her, quickly becoming drenched as the rain picked up in intensity. Thunder boomed, shaking her to her core and lightening streaked across the sky. The closer she got to the old lady, the more intense the storm became. It seemed to be centered around the woman and radiating outward, feeding off her.

  When Nicole got within arm’s reach of the woman, she turned to face Nicole, looking as if she had known all along that she wasn’t alone. The woman’s face made Nicole take a step back, clutching her hand to her chest and searching for an escape route. It wasn’t the timeless beauty from before staring back at her now. The lady’s face was dark with deep shadows and her eyes were hollow, endless holes. Her beautiful long grey hair was flowing around her in the wind with a power all its own.

  Nicole stood there unsure of what to do or say. Her rain soaked clothes combined with unbridled fear caused her body to shake in small jerks as she hugged herself tight. Slowly the woman’s haunting gaze went from Nicole’s face back to the head stone. A loud burst of thunder echoed around them, making the ground shake beneath her feet. The wind began to spin around them until they were standing in the midst of a giant wall of rain. Panic started to fill Nicole as she realized there was nowhere to run now.

  The woman pointed one finger toward the name on the headstone. “Kerrigan.” She said the name with venom oozing from her words. “They will be the death of our blood. Even now hundreds of years later I suffer because of them, doomed to walk this graveyard for all of eternity!” She screeched as if talking to the person buried deep in the ground, when a blinding streak of lightning flashed directly over them. “Now, they come for my blood that remains.” Her voice turned soft and pleading as she turned her face to the sky. “Have I not suffered long enough?”

  Nicole could see the pain in the woman’s face along with a deep sadness she could feel within herself, like the pain belonged to her too. Tears started to form in Nicole’s eyes as she watched the woman, wanting to reach out and comfort her somehow but she made herself stand where she was. “I…I don’t understand. Can I help you get out of this place?” Nicole stuttered as she tried to put on a brave face.

  The woman stared at Nicole for a long time, the darkness slowly fading out of her face revealing the light blue eyes Nicole remembered. Kindness and tenderness began to replace the anger that was previously radiating off the woman. The wall around them began to fall away as the storm turned into a light shower. Glimpses of the sun began to peek through the clouds casting shimmering rays of light off the dancing puddles of water.

  “Oh my dear granddaughter, please do not worry yourself about me. A Kerrigan is pressing his way into your life, dear. They are determined to put an end to us. You must be ready to fight this alone, for tonight, mo
re of our blood has been spilt.” Again the darkness began to fill the lady’s face as the wind and rain became heavy and fast. “You are the only one left now, the last Keenan; you must be strong.” She reached a hand toward Nicole, worry and anger evident on her face.

  A loud ringing interrupted them as Nicole’s vision turned gray. She struggled to hang on, there were so many questions to ask, but the ringing kept her from speaking. Over and over it echoed in her head sending shock waves throughout her body. She covered her ears with her hands as she tried to focus her eyes back on her grandmother. It was no use she felt the darkness pulling her as she struggled to breathe.

  With a gasp, she sat bolt upright, feeling scared and alone. After a few seconds, she realized she had been lying in Luke’s arms and was still in her dad’s living room. Luke was staring at her with a confused expression on his face but the ringing continued even louder than before. It took her a few seconds more to realize she was hearing the telephone over and over again. She jumped up from the couch and sprinted into the kitchen to answer it.

  “Hello.” She struggled to shake the grogginess from her voice. She glanced at the clock on the microwave noticing it was just after midnight. Why would anyone in their right mind be calling at this time of night?