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Blood Of Fire (The Blood Burden Series) Page 2

  “You’re as smart as you are beautiful,” he winked as he complimented her. “I like that in a woman.”

  Nicole’s smile fell from her face as she turned her attention back to the green hills in the distance. Her mind began to drift back to the day she and Luke had a similar conversation while sitting at her dad’s kitchen table. Her heart ached to hear his voice again, to smell his woodsy scent and to feel his lips pressed against her skin. But she had released him of his oath. By doing this, she set him free of the tie that bound him as her warrior. Luke had given his word to her grandmother, Titania, Queen of the fae to protect her blood line with his life. Nicole was his to protect but she turned her back on him.

  She knew the full ramifications of releasing Luke from his oath and leaving when she last saw him on the runway and he had blocked her from his mind. But perhaps he wasn't blocking me, Nicole argued with herself, after all she couldn't hear anyone's thoughts in the airport earlier either. I can’t blame him. I wouldn’t want to be mixed up in this bull shit if someone had given me a way out, she thought as she forced her bubbling emotions to ebb back to the recesses of her heart.

  Chapter 2

  Luke's arms covered in goose bumps as the sweat cooled his skin. A copper taste lingered in his mouth even though his split lip had healed moments after the impact of Ronald's punch. Everything had happened so fast but yet so slow at the same time. First he was squaring off with Ronald, then suddenly, the tables turned when Kat was shot. Seeing your best friend's life slowly draining away would be enough to make anyone turn hard but he never expected that to happen with Nicole.

  Turning on his heels, Luke bounded back into the woods surrounding the airport. The image of Nicole's face staring out the airplane window was seared into his mind as he moved with inhuman speed, gracefully skirting trees and leaping ravines without as much of a thought. He had to return to Nicole's home quickly so he and Rhys could decide what to do now. I can't let her face Loch alone, he thought. He stopped in his tracks as his thoughts started to consume him. His body rippled with anger and forced him to start pacing; dead leaves crunching beneath his shoes with each step. “She's so damn stubborn," he growled. "It may get her killed this time and it's my fault for letting her go!" He punched a giant oak with all the power he had left in him. The tree splintered from the impact and a deep indent remained when he pulled his fist away. He let out a thunderous scream.

  "Do you feel better now?"

  Luke shook out his throbbing fist, but not from the pain, he was too angry to feel pain. He could tell he had broken most of the bones in his hand but he knew his warrior body was working to heal the damage by the tingling sensation that pulsed through him. After he was satisfied that the bones had realigned and he could move his fingers again he turned to face the voice, "Much. What are you doing here?"

  Sage snorted and shook her head, causing her short, black bobbed hair to shift revealing her pointed ear. "Did you think I was going to let you handle all of this alone? Please..." She trailed on as she rolled her eyes.

  "Sage, I'm not in the mood for your bull. You did your part and I'm grateful to you but now, you're just in my way."

  "Oh, the 'big bad warrior' doesn't need the 'cute little fairy' anymore," she purred. "To…damn…bad," Sage poked Luke in the chest with a black fingernail as she said drew out each word. "You're not the only one with a stake in how this turns out, Luke."

  Luke stared down at the petite fae adorned in a long black dress with silver corset and wearing a studded dog collar around her neck. She was as far away from the typical image of fairies you heard about in stories growing up as you could ever get. But in Luke's opinion she had proven herself loyal to Nicole and that's what mattered most. He let out a deep sigh and ran his hand through his disheveled hair, "Fine."

  He started moving forward again but not before seeing Sage's bright red lips turn up into a cocky smile. She loves to win.


  "Where the hell is my daughter, Luke?" The shouting came from James, Nicole's father, as he broke loose from Kat's grasp and bounded off the front porch of his country home toward Luke with surprising speed. "Why did you let her leave? You know they want her dead and you just let her waltz away just as pretty as you please," the elderly man's body was shaking with anger but his eyes were wide with shock and worry.

  "I'm sorry, James. Your daughter is too strong for her own good. She was already on a plane before we could break the barrier she trapped us in." Luke stopped in front of James ready for anything he could throw at him. He owed that much to her dad. He knew he had failed everyone, including himself.

  "James, it's not his fault. We both know how Nicole is," Kat looped her arm into James' and began guiding him back toward his house. "She thinks this will protect us and she didn't give anyone a chance to talk her out of it."

  "Don't worry, we're going ta get da princess back James." Rhys had appeared to stand beside Luke, still dirty and smelling of smoke from the night's battle. His face was hard and determined but without any sign of his normal, arrogant demeanor showing.

  "And how do you plan on doing that?" James turned to face Luke and Rhys, pulling his arm away from Kat. "Just how are you going to save her from a man who is more powerful then all of you combined," he spat, pointing his finger between Luke, Rhys and Sage. "You can't even save her from herself," his voice choked off into a whisper.

  "I will make this right, I swear it." Luke looked at Sage and Rhys then started walking to the pasture behind the house.

  "Where are you going?" asked Kat.

  "To save Nicole," Sage rolled her eyes at having to answer such an obvious question.

  Kat ran up to the group and fell into step, "Not without me."

  Everyone stopped as Sage let out a loud groan. Luke and Rhys turned on Kat who was standing with her hand on her hip. "Bloody hell woman, we won't be baba sitting ya so get your arse back ta da house," said Rhys stepping in front of her and waving an arm in the direction of James' house.

  Kat pulled her long black hair back behind her and in one smooth motion tied it into a loose bun at the base of her head then smiled, "Good thing I don't take orders from male chauvinistic pigs in skirts."

  Sage let out a small laugh, "Oh, I like you." She looped her arm through Kat's and moved forward without the guys. Anyone who was game for giving a warrior a hard time instantly had Sage's respect.

  Luke shook his head and reluctantly started moving forward again with Kat now part of the group.

  "Ummm…Not to be the bearer of bad news or anything but the cars are parked in the driveway not the pasture. I'm not walking all the way to the airport."

  "Stop ye whining. Ye wanted to tag along kitten."

  "It's Kat not Kitten," snapped Kat.

  "And this," Rhys swept a hand across the lower half of his body, "Tis a kilt not a skirt."

  "Will you two lay off already? We're almost there." Luke turned into a thicket of trees when they reached the far side of the pasture. He ducked below the low hanging branches then disappeared into the trees.

  Kat stood staring after Luke and Sage with a twist of disgust to her lips, "But there are ticks and snakes in there."

  Rhys gave her a pat on the butt as he strolled past making her squeal and spin around while holding her rear. She glared at him with wide eyes as he turned back to look at her, "Ah Luv, ya can't let a wee bug keep ye from da Princess."

  Luke was at his limit with the game he could see building between Rhys and Kat. Kat may not see it yet but Luke had seen this game play out in Rhys' favor many times before and it would only be a distraction for Rhys. Luke spun around to face the two who were glaring at each other as they crossed the tree line, "Listen, we aren't thinking clearly. We can't leave James unprotected."

  Sage caught onto where Luke was going fast. "Nicole would be pissed at us if we let something happen to her dad." She stepped to Luke's side crossing her hands across her chest.

  "How about if Sage and I go to Ireland
and you and Rhys looked out for James? I think that would be the best protection for everyone." Luke placed his hand on Kat's shoulder as he talked. "Nicole would never forgive us if we just left him here alone."

  Kat eyed Luke suspiciously, "Are you just trying to get rid of me?"

  "No…I wouldn't do that," Luke lied. He didn't need Kat tagging along and distracting Rhys from the job. It was best to leave them both behind. It would be safest for everyone.

  "My brother is right. I'll stay with you and James until I'm summoned." Rhys nodded toward Luke as he guided Kat back toward the pasture.

  "What? Like I need you to protect me? I don't think so." Kat argued but didn't resist following Rhys out of the woods.

  Luke got the feeling that Kat was relieved to not have to go. He didn't doubt that she loved Nicole and wanted to help but she had been through so much in the past two days. He was sure if it wasn't for Nicole's healing touch Kat would be curled up in a hospital right now if she had managed to hang on to a thin thread of life when she was shot. Luke turned his attention back to Sage, "Let's go."

  Chapter 3

  Nicole was in awe as she stepped out of the limo. The hotel was amazing, with its large towers and gleaming windows. It was just like a modern day castle had been set down in the middle of the Garden of Eden. Her eyes danced across the vision of an artist’s dream as she took in all of the vibrant reds, blues, pinks and greens in the landscape. She recognized giant azalea bushes, white roses and royal blue iris’s but there was still so many flowers and trees that were new to her.

  “So glad to see you back, sir,” said a tall, slim man in a blue suit as he motioned a young bell-hop towards the trunk. “Your room is ready, exactly as you asked.”

  “And have the spa appointments been arranged?” Slade asked.

  “Yes sir, everything is in order.”

  “That’s wonderful, thank you,” Slade offered his arm to Nicole as they made their way into the hotel. She wrapped her hand into the crook of his arm and fell into step with him.

  An elaborate chandelier glistened in the center of the lobby immediately drawing Nicole's eye's up into the dome shaped-ceiling high above. Each crystal shimmered like a diamond casting reflection's against the walls and down onto the floor. Slade led her past the lobby and down a long hallway. "This is a beautiful hotel." Nicole chatted as she let Slade guide her along.

  "It is my favorite of all the hotels in Ireland. It has a kind of story-book quality to it like it was pulled from the history and fables of Ireland by someone who lived in those worlds hundreds of years ago."

  Within minutes they were entering a room the size of an apartment filled with lush, tan carpet. A large, cream-colored leather sofa and chair were centered in the room and came with beautiful, ornately carved side tables and there was a matching desk in the corner. Slade walked to the far side of the room and opened two French doors revealing another room.

  “This will be your room, Nicole.” He pointed back across the room to another identical set of French doors, “That will be my room. Both have their own bathrooms so you won’t have to deal with me in your space.”

  Nicole looked around uneasily as she twirled her finger around a curl, “I don’t mind getting my own room, Slade. I mean, you barely know me. I can’t just let you pay for all of this just so I have my privacy.”

  Slade smiled, “It’s no problem at all, plus it will make things easier for when I pick you up later.” He walked to the table near the door, picked up a paper and then turned back to Nicole. “Here. I hope you don’t mind but I set up a few spa treatments to help you get over the long flight. I’ve some business to attend to but I’ll be back in time to pick you up.” He handed her the paper then walked back to the door.

  Nicole glanced down at the list of treatments she would be receiving then back up at Slade’s beaming face. “Ummm….Thank you, but I can’t accept all of this Slade.”

  “You and your Alabama girl pride,” he rolled his eyes. “This is my hotel so I’m free to use anything I want and since you’re my guest you will receive the best,” he winked at her as he backed out of the door. “Oh and if you need me just have me paged. I won’t be far,” he shut the door behind him.

  Nicole sat down heavily into the oversized leather chair, "Great, this is getting me nowhere. I'm surrounded by luxury with Mr. Money bags when I should be figuring out what to do next." she sighed. I need somewhere private to test my powers, she thought. I also need to find Loch but how? I don't know enough about him do I? She rubbed her temples as she tried to make a mental list of what she did know: He wanted me to come to Ireland, he is very damn old, and that most likely means he's powerful.

  She sat up straight in the chair as her mind worked toward a growing light of an idea. Powerful means he has money. After all, he sent a jet to retrieve me from Alabama so that means he has lots of money and he must run in high class circles. Circles that could be at this cocktail party tonight. She smiled as she looked at the list she had dropped onto the coffee table. "Guess having a massage, manicure, pedicure, and my hair and makeup done is all part of the job today."


  Nicole lay face down as the massage therapist kneaded the knots in her back. She had to admit this was a wonderful treat. She sat through the manicure and pedicure, which she did enjoy but having her legs, along with other places she didn’t plan on anyone seeing, get waxed was a horrifying experience. There were many moments when she thought of punching the smug little woman who she suspected to be enjoying her whimpers each time she ripped another sticky strip off her skin. Nicole swore she saw the esthetician smirk with each “yip” out of her mouth.

  She exhaled deeply as the woman’s fingers worked their magic on her tight muscles. She began to relax, taking in the smell of lavender incense and the sound of water flowing from a small fountain in the corner of the room. She closed her eyes and let her mind drift without purpose. Within seconds a vision started to form. It was a haze at best but it was the first sign she had gotten from her silent powers since leaving home so she grabbed onto the image tightly.

  Nicole tried to focus the vision but it remained fuzzy and dark, it reminded her of looking through a dirty window at dusk. She could see the silhouette of a man with his back to her. He was standing behind a desk with a cell phone pressed against his ear. His dark hair and broad frame didn’t look familiar but the power that radiated from him did. She had felt a similar power the night her mind reading ability had surfaced, ultimately ending the evening with her in the hospital.

  She pressed her power harder trying to hear the man’s words. The energy warmed her veins as it pooled into her palms—a feeling she had thought was lost to her just hours ago. Jumbled words started to dance in her ears, like she was flipping the dial on a radio.

  “Soon….this time…Don’t lose her or you will regret it.” The last block of words was enough that she knew he was talking about her. The shadow of the man in her vision had to be Loch. She tried to latch on to the graying image, wanting to know more; she needed more time to look for clues to his location but the vision liquefied and Nicole found herself listening to the soothing trickle of water again.

  “Damn it,” she cursed punching the massage table. “Who was he talking to?”

  “Oh, sorry Miss. I didn’t mean to hurt you,” The therapist whispered with wide eyes.

  Nicole shook her head as she got off the table, “Sorry about that. Guess I just have too much on my mind to relax.” She looked down at her palms expecting them to be glowing with power but she only saw normal hands. Not even a tingle remained as proof that her energy had been there. She wrapped the sheet around her body then turned to the therapist to apologize for her interruption. The masseuse was busily cleaning up her supplies and humming; obviously happy to move on to her next client. Nicole reached out with her power, trying to hear the woman’s thoughts but heard nothing. She sighed as she thought of the possibility that the vision was all just in her imagination.
  An hour later after all her spa services were over, she made her way back to her room. She had kept her appointment for hair and makeup so she would be ready for the night without having to fight the long curls she hated to style. She let herself into the suite and started to make her way to her room when a knock sounded on the door shortly after it closed behind her. She was instantly on edge, and tried to push her powers outside the door to see if the visitor was friend or foe. Reluctantly, Nicole was forced to do it the old fashioned way and used the peephole when her magic failed once again.

  “I have a delivery for Miss. Keenan,” came a voice through the door.

  Nicole could see a teen boy in a red bell hop uniform, holding a garment bag over his arm and a shoe box in his hand. She opened the door and smiled nervously, “I’m Miss. Keenan.” Nicole took the bag and box with her brows crumpled together, “I wasn’t expecting anything.” The boy shrugged his shoulders and turned back down the hall. He didn't even hang around for a tip.

  Nicole carried the bag inside and laid it across her bed before she raised the plastic covering. She gasped at the most beautiful, black satin cocktail dress she had ever seen. She held it up against her body, admiring the mermaid fit and the perfect princess cuts down the sides. A delicate strip of black chiffon lay across one shoulder, held into place by a large diamond broach. She didn’t know a lot about dresses but she knew for sure this one cost more than a month’s pay back at the police department. “Kat would die to wear this,” she whispered as she stood in front of the full length mirror on the bathroom door. A bit of homesickness filled her heart as she thought of her best friend. This was the first time they had been this many miles apart since they met in middle school many, many years ago.

  With a sigh, Nicole pushed the memories to the back of her mind. She was in Ireland to keep Kat safe, along with everyone else she loved. She wouldn’t let Loch use Kat or her dad again to trap her. There was no going back until her job here was done so she continued preparing for the night to come. At the same time she prayed the gift that she had loathed for so many years had now not left her forever.