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Blood Awakening (Blood Burden Series Prelude) Page 2


  An hour later they found two seats at Schooners, a tourist-packed bar and grill that sat right on the beach. Their table gave them a perfect view of the waves crashing onto the shore, each crest sparkling in the bright moonlight. Couples walked hand and hand in the sand with a glow all their own, the glow only people in love could create. Nicole thought it was one of the most magical images she had ever seen. She turned to see if her friend was as mesmerized by the view as she was, but Kat was too busy picking out the hottest guys in the place to notice.

  “Look at that one,” Kat whispered as she flashed a quick glance toward the bar. “He is yummy,” she purred.

  Kat turned her head slightly, catching a glimpse of the eye candy in question, “Yep, he is a good one. Blonde hair and blue eyes, just like you like them.” Nicole giggled and turned back quickly as the guy looked over at them and smiled, revealing two cute dimples in his dark tanned cheeks. Kat gave a flirty wave, displaying her usual boldness, while Nicole looked back over in time to see eye candy number one elbow his friend, who was more of the rugged, surfer-type, and point at them.

  “Oh my God, I think they’re coming over,” gasped Nicole.

  “Of course they are,” said Kat with a wink. “His friend is hot too. I think we just found our candy store,” she giggled.

  “Excuse me, ladies,” eye candy number one said with a wide smile, “do you mind if we join you?”

  “Not if you buy me a drink,” said Kat as she patted the seat next to her.

  Nicole rolled her eyes at her brash friend. Always the flirt, looking for a good time, ignoring the “what ifs?” that blasted into Nicole’s head like giant caution signs, hanging over the highway she called life. She adjusted herself in her chair as surfer-guy took the seat beside her.

  “Hi, I’m Nick, Nick Read and this is my friend Matt.” said surfer guy as he offered Nicole a hand.

  “Nicole Keenan.”

  “Nice to meet you Nicole. What are you drinking?”

  “She’ll have a Margarita and I’ll have a Sex on the Beach,” Kat announced as she looked over at Matt, biting her bottom lip seductively. Matt’s hand shot up like he was flagging a taxi, trying desperately to get the waitress’ attention.

  Nicole giggled at the pair, then, as she turned to thank Nick for the drink, she felt a cold chill run up her spine. Her shoulders stiffened and her muscles tensed, as if preparing for a fight. She fought the inner voice telling her to flee, as she tried to trace where this gut-wrenching feeling was coming from. Her eyes darted around the packed restaurant, quickly colliding with eyes as dark as night that belonged to a man sitting alone at a dimly lit table in the corner. He held her gaze, unblinking as he stared directly into her face.

  Fear washed over Nicole, like the waves crashing on the beach outside of the picture window next to her. She studied his black, shaggy hair and the unkempt beard that outlined his broad face, trying to memorize his features, but it seemed the harder she stared at him, the more out of focus he became.

  “Nicole….Nicole, honey.” Kat touched Nicole’s arm causing her to jump, almost knocking over the table. “Are you okay?”

  “Um….Yes, I’m fine. I think I’m just tired from the long ride.” Nicole pasted on a fake smile for the group that was beginning to stare at her.

  “Do you want to call it a night?”

  Nicole turned back around searching for the man, but he was gone. Still, the uneasy feeling remained in her stomach. “Do you mind? I mean, I don’t want to ruin your night but…”

  “No problem. I’m sure Nick and Matt will meet up with us tomorrow on the beach.” Kat smiled at Nick as she ran a finger playfully along his forearm.

  Matt grinned like a school boy who just discovered his dad’s stash of Playboy magazines. “Sure, we’ll catch up with you all tomorrow.” He pulled a black cell phone from his pocket. “How about I get your number so I can give you a wake-up call?”

  Kat pulled out her bright pink iPhone with a wink and said, “How about I get your number and I’ll call you when we hit the beach.”

  Nicole scanned the room again as the two played footsie with phone numbers, looking for any sign of the man who had her skin crawling moments before. He seemed to just vanish into the air, while the disquiet in her stomach remained, a reminder of his visit.